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The fly-by of 2020 HS7 asteroid
The fly-by of 2020 JJ asteroid
NEO Coordination Centre's observing campaign to track the fly-by of BepiColombo
ESA's NELIOTA project detects the flash of light produced when an asteroid collides energetically with the lunar surface and recently recorded its 100th impact.
Planetary Defence office we took the opportunity of the Solar Orbiter launch to perform an observational exercise, attempting to image the departing spacecraft with a ground based optical telescope.
The year has just started, and we already have a very interesting discovery of a new and so far unique asteroid.
If you check our current risk list, you will notice that a significant number of objects in the top positions are extremely “old”, discovered in the first decade of the century.
Over the past week, the Near-Earth Object (NEO) community in general, and ESA’s NEO Coordination Centre (NEOCC) in particular, have been involved in an interesting example of the process of...
Showing 41 to 48 of 597 entries.