Past Impactors
This table contains a list of NEAs that impacted Earth and were detected prior to their entry in the Earth’s atmosphere. This table can also be also automatically downloaded through HTTPS APIs, see instructions in Automated Data Access. The entries of the table are described below.
No. Incremental number of table’s row.
Object designation. Designation of the object as given by the Minor Planet Center. This entry can be clicked to access all the data and services available for that object at the NEOCC.
Diameter in m. Diameter of the object in meters. The asterisk indicates that the diameter has been estimated using the albedo range of 0.05 to 0.25. The value of 0.14 is used for the downloadable ASCII file, available in both TXT format and through APIs. Further information about the estimation of the diameter can be found in Definitions & Assumptions.
Impact date/time in UTC. Date and time in UTC at which the impact took place, computed at 100 km altitude.
Impact velocity in km/s. Impact velocity on Earth atmosphere, computed at 100 km altitude in an Earth-fixed reference frame.
Impact FPA in deg. Impact Flight Path Angle at 100 km altitude in an Earth-fixed reference frame, in degrees.
Impact azimuth in deg. Azimuth angle at 100 km altitude in an Earth-fixed reference frame, in degrees.
Estimated energy in kt. Estimated kinetic energy at 100 km altitude, in kilotons.
Estimated energy from other sources in kt. Estimated impact energy in kilotons obtained from other sources. The sources are listed below the table.
History. Clickable link to access a page containing further information about the impact event.