NEOCC VESPA service now available
NEOCC VESPA service now available
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NEOCC has just finished the implementation of a service for the VESPA portal. VESPA (Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access) is a Europlanet activity which connects planetary science data providers to allow easy access, interoperability and cross-correlation of databases.
The VESPA portal is just one of the ways to access our data. From the NEOCC, the data shared comprises orbital information for every asteroid contained in our database. The VESPA portal allows easy querying of targets and shows which services have data related to that object. It also helps going through every data provider and finding information about its source and structure from a unified interface.
Apart from that, it allows you to query data by using VO tools such as TOPCAT, as VESPA relies on the TAP protocol. At its core, every data provider is exposing a TAP server with a well-defined structure, which allows to retrieve data from different providers in the same query.
We expect this to facilitate additional access to our data and provide users with useful insights by comparing it with other asteroid information providers, as well as enriching other datasets.
VESPA logo. Credits: Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access.