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[3] | EARN | Earth Asteroids Research Node: https://earn.dlr.de |
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[9] | EARN | 1.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2011) ApJ 743, 156. (NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results) (albedo and diameters of 428 NEOs) 2.) Masiero, J.R. et al. (2012) Astrophys. J. 749, 104. (A REVISED ASTEROID POLARIZATION-ALBEDO RELATIONSHIP USING WISE/NEOWISE DATA) (887,1036,1627,1685) 3.) Veeder, G.J. et al. (1989) Astron. J. 97, 1211-1219. (Radiometry of near-earth asteroids) 4.) Morrison, D. (1974) Astrophys. J. 194, 203-212. (Radiometric diameters and albedos of 40 asteroids) |
[10] | EARN | 1.) Dunlap, J.L. & R.C. Taylor (1979) Astron. J. 84, 269-273. (Minor planets and related objects. XXVII - Lightcurves of 887 Alinda) |