[1] | EARN | 1.) Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies: 2019 March-July, B.D. Warner |
[2] | EARN | 1.) DeMeo, F.E. et al. (2014) Icarus 227, 112-122. (Mars encounters cause fresh surfaces on some near-Earth asteroids) (contains taxonomic classification of 249 NEAs) |
[3] | EARN | 1.) Gietzen, K.M. & C.H.S. Lacy (2007) LPSC 38, 1104. (Visible and near infrared spectra of main belt and near Earth asteroids) (1036,3908,7753,22771,54509,66251,68950,J99JV3,K03YQ117) 2.) DeMeo, F.E. et al. (2014) Icarus 227, 112-122. (Mars encounters cause fresh surfaces on some near-Earth asteroids) (contains taxonomic classification of 249 NEAs) |
[4] | EARN | 1.) Warner, B.D. (2006) MPB 33, 85-88. (asteroid lightcurve analysis at the Palmer Divide observatory - March-June 2006) (...,68950,...) 2.) Harris(JPL), A.W. unpublished data 3.) Petr Pravec's Ondrejov NEO Photometric Program Webpage "Prepublished Periods" |
[5] | ESA Aegis | ESA orbit determination and impact monitoring system |
[6] | EARN | 1.) Joseph R. Masiero et al 2021 Planet. Sci. J. 2 162 |
[7] | EARN | 1.) Masiero, J.R. et al. (2018) Astron. J. 154_168(10pp). (NEOWISE Reactivation Mission Year Three: Asteroid Diameters and Albedos) (170NEOs, 6110MBAs) 2.) Usui, F. et al. (2011) Pub. Astron. Soc. Japan 63, 1117-1138. (Asteroid Catalog Using AKARI: AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared Asteroid Survey) |
[8] | EARN | 1.) Joseph R. Masiero et al 2020 Planet. Sci. J. 1 5 |
[9] | EARN | 1.) Gietzen, K.M. & C.H.S. Lacy (2007) LPSC 38, 1104. (Visible and near infrared spectra of main belt and near Earth asteroids) (1036,3908,7753,22771,54509,66251,68950,J99JV3,K03YQ117) 2.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2006) LPSC 37, 1491. (The MIT-Hawaii-IRTF joint campaign for NEO spectral reconnaissance.) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. href="http://smass.mit.edu/minus.html"> Webpage 4.) deLeon, J. et al. (2010) Astron. Astrophys 517, A23. (Observations, compositional, and physical characterization of near-Earth and Mars-crosser asteroids from a spectroscopic survey) |
[10] | EARN | 1.) href="http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroids/index.html">JPL's NEO Radar Detection Program Webpage |