[1] | EARN | 1.) Kaasalainen, M. et al. (2004) Icarus 167, 178-196. (Photometry and models of eight near-Earth asteroids;1580,1627,1980,2100,3199,3908,4957,5587) 2.) Drummond, J.D. & W.Z. Wisniewski (1990) Icarus 83, 349-359. (The rotational poles and shapes of 1580 Betulia and 3908 (1980PA) from one apparition) |
[2] | EARN | 1.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) |
[3] | EARN | 1.) Alexey V. Sergeyev and Benoit Carry A&A, 652 (2021) A59 |
[4] | EARN | 1.) Tholen, D.J. et al. (1988), I.A.U. Circ. HREF="http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/iauc/04600/04655.html"> 4655. (1980 PA AND 1985 DO2) 2.) Luu, J.X. & D.C. Jewitt (1989) I.A.U. Circ. HREF="http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/iauc/04700/04722.html"> 4722. (1985 DO2 AND (3908) 1980 PA) spectra 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) |
[5] | EARN | Earth Asteroids Research Node: https://earn.dlr.de |
[6] | EARN | 1.) Pravec, P. et al. (2000) Icarus submitted. (Spin vectors and shapes of (1980) Tezcatlipoca and (3908) Nyx) 2.) Drummond, J.D. & W.Z. Wisniewski (1990) Icarus 83, 349-359. (The rotational poles and shapes of 1580 Betulia and 3908 (1980PA) from one apparition) 3.) Hoffmann, M. & E.H. Geyer (1990) Acta Astronomica 40, 389-396. (Photometric observations of three near-earth asteroids) (1627) (3908) (1685) 4.) Wisniewski, W.Z. (1992) in "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1991",(A.W.Harris & E.Bowell, eds.) LPI, Houston, USA, pp. 653-656. (same as 466!) 5.) Kaasalainen, M. et al. (2004) Icarus 167, 178-196. (Photometry and models of eight near-Earth asteroids;1580,1627,1980,2100,3199,3908,4957,5587) 6.) Cooney, W.R. et al. (2007) MPB 34, 47-49. (LIGHTCURVE RESULTS FOR 486 CREMONA,855 NEWCOMBIA, 942 ROMILDA, 3908 NYX,5139 RUMOI, 5653 CAMARILLO, (102866) 1999 WA5) ) 7.) Torppa, J. et al. (2008) Icarus 198, 91-107. (Asteroid shape and spin statistics from convex models) (1036,1580,1627,1862,1980,2100,3908,5587,6053) |
[7] | EARN | 1.) Benner, L. et al. (2000) B.A.A.S. 32, 1001. (Radar observations of asteroids 3908 Nyx (1980 PA)) |
[8] | ESA Aegis | ESA orbit determination and impact monitoring system |
[9] | EARN | 1.) Cruikshank, D.P. et al. (1991) Icarus 89, 1-13. (Three basaltic earth-approaching asteroids and the source of the basaltic meteorites) |
[10] | EARN | 1.) Cruikshank, D.P. et al. (1991) Icarus 89, 1-13. (Three basaltic earth-approaching asteroids and the source of the basaltic meteorites) 2.) Benner, L. et al. (2000) B.A.A.S. 32, 1001. (Radar observations of asteroids 3908 Nyx (1980 PA)) |
[11] | EARN | 1.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 2.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2006) LPSC 37, 1491. (The MIT-Hawaii-IRTF joint campaign for NEO spectral reconnaissance.) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. href="http://smass.mit.edu/minus.html"> Webpage 4.) Gietzen, K.M. & C.H.S. Lacy (2007) LPSC 38, 1104. (Visible and near infrared spectra of main belt and near Earth asteroids) (1036,3908,7753,22771,54509,66251,68950,J99JV3,K03YQ117) 5.) Burbine, T.H. et al. (2008) ACM2008, 8274. (DETERMINING THE PYROXENE MINERALOGIES OF NEAR-EARTH, MIDDLE-BELT, AND OUTER-BELT VESTOIDS) 6.) deLeon, J. et al. (2010) Astron. Astrophys 517, A23. (Observations, compositional, and physical characterization of near-Earth and Mars-crosser asteroids from a spectroscopic survey) |
[12] | EARN | 1.) href="http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroids/index.html">JPL's NEO Radar Detection Program Webpage 2.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1991) Astron. J. 102, 1490-1502. (Asteroid radar astrometry) 3.) Benner, L. A. M. et al., (2002) Icarus 158, 379-388. (Radar Observations of Asteroid 3908 Nyx.) 4.) Benner, L. et al. (2000) B.A.A.S. 32, 1001. (Radar observations of asteroids 3908 Nyx (1980 PA)) |