[1] | EARN | 1.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) |
[2] | EARN | 1.) Mottola, S. et al. (1995) Icarus 117, 62-70. (The near-earth objects follow-up program: First results.)(1981,2062,4953,5633,5797,5836,1993BX3,1994AW1,1994JF1,1994LC1) 2.) Bus, S.J. & Binzel, R.P. (2002) Icarus 158,106-145. (Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectrographic Survey: A Feature-Based Taxonomy.) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) |
[3] | EARN | 1.) Mottola, S. et al. (1995) Icarus 117, 62-70. (The near-earth objects follow-up program: First results.)(1981,2062,4953,5633,5797,5836,1993BX3,1994AW1,1994JF1,1994LC1) 2.) Wisniewski, W.Z. et al. (1997) Icarus 126, 395-449. (Photometric Observations of 125 Asteroids) 3.) Franco, L. et al. (2018) MPB 45, 273-275. (Lightcurves for 1318 Nerina, 1342 Brabantia, 1981 Midas, and 3951 Zichichi) |
[4] | ESA Aegis | ESA orbit determination and impact monitoring system |
[5] | EARN | 1.) Pravec, P. et al. (2012) Icarus 221, 365-387 (Absolute magnitudes of asteroids and a revision of asteroid albedo estimates from WISE thermal observations) 2.) Mottola, S. et al. (1995) Icarus 117, 62-70. (The near-earth objects follow-up program: First results.)(1981,2062,4953,5633,5797,5836,1993BX3,1994AW1,1994JF1,1994LC1) 3.) Wisniewski, W.Z. et al. (1997) Icarus 126, 395-449. (Photometric Observations of 125 Asteroids) |
[6] | EARN | 1.) Pravec, P. et al. (2012) Icarus 221, 365-387 (Absolute magnitudes of asteroids and a revision of asteroid albedo estimates from WISE thermal observations) 2.) Wisniewski, W.Z. et al. (1997) Icarus 126, 395-449. (Photometric Observations of 125 Asteroids) |
[7] | EARN | 1.) Usui, F. et al. (2011) Pub. Astron. Soc. Japan 63, 1117-1138. (Asteroid Catalog Using AKARI: AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared Asteroid Survey) |
[8] | EARN | 1.) Usui, F. et al. (2011) Pub. Astron. Soc. Japan 63, 1117-1138. (Asteroid Catalog Using AKARI: AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared Asteroid Survey) 2.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2002) in "Asteroids III" (Eds. W.F.Bottke et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, pp. 255-271. (Physical Properties of NEOs) |
[9] | EARN | 1.) Mottola, S. et al. (1995) Icarus 117, 62-70. (The near-earth objects follow-up program: First results.)(1981,2062,4953,5633,5797,5836,1993BX3,1994AW1,1994JF1,1994LC1) |
[10] | EARN | 1.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2001) Icarus 151,139-149. (Spectral Properties of Near-Earth Objects: Palomar and IRTF Results for 48 Objects Including Spacecraft Targets (9969) Braille and (10302) 1989 ML) |
[11] | EARN | 1.) href="http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroids/index.html">JPL's NEO Radar Detection Program Webpage 2.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1991) Astron. J. 102, 1490-1502. (Asteroid radar astrometry) |