[1] | EARN | 1.) Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Asteroid Photometric Survey (NEAPS): Paper 3. Skiff, Brian A et al. |
[2] | EARN | 1.) Crowell, J.L. et al. (2016) Icarus in press. (Radar and Lightcurve Shape Model of Near-Earth Asteroid (1627) Ivar) 2.) Kaasalainen, M. et al. (2004) Icarus 167, 178-196. (Photometry and models of eight near-Earth asteroids;1580,1627,1980,2100,3199,3908,4957,5587) 3.) Velichko, F.P. & D.F. Lupishko (1989) Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel 5, 90-94. (Photometric astrometry for asteroids approaching the earth - Pole coordinates of 1627 Ivar) |
[3] | EARN | 1.) A. V. Sergeyev, B. Carry et al A&A, 658 (2022) A109 |
[4] | EARN | 1.) Michaël Marsset et al 2022 AJ 163 165 |
[5] | EARN | 1.) Alexey V. Sergeyev and Benoit Carry A&A, 652 (2021) A59 |
[6] | EARN | 1.) Thomas, C.A. et al. (2014) Icarus 228, 217-246. (Physical characterization of Warm Spitzer-observed near-Earth objects) |
[7] | EARN | Earth Asteroids Research Node: https://earn.dlr.de |
[8] | EARN | 1.) Tholen, D.J. (1989) in "Asteroids II" (Eds. R.P.Binzel et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, pp. 1139-1150. 2.) Bus, S.J. & Binzel, R.P. (2002) Icarus 158,106-145. (Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectrographic Survey: A Feature-Based Taxonomy.) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 4.) Davies, J.K. et al. (2007) Icarus 186,111-125. (Near-infrared spectra of 12 near-Earth objects) (1627,4179,5381,5587,6489,11405,14402,25143,25330,52760,66391,101955) |
[9] | EARN | 1.) Crowell, J.L. et al. (2016) Icarus in press. (Radar and Lightcurve Shape Model of Near-Earth Asteroid (1627) Ivar) 2.) Hahn, G. et al. (1989) Icarus 78, 363-381. (Physical studies of Apollo-Amor asteroids - UBVRI photometry of 1036 Ganymed and 1627 Ivar) 3.) Lupishko, D.F. et al. (1986) Kin. Fiz. Neb. Tel. 2(5), 39-43. (1627..) 4.) Chernova, G.P. et al. (1995) Astron. J. 110, 1875-1878. (Photometry of Amor Asteroids 1036 Ganymede and 1627 Ivar) 5.) Harris, A.W. & J.W. Young (1985) B.A.A.S. 17, 726. (Photometric Results for Earth Approaching Asteroids.) (1627,1036,1862,1982RA,1982XB,1983RD,1984KD) 6.) Hoffmann, M. & E.H. Geyer (1990) Acta Astronomica 40, 389-396. (Photometric observations of three near-earth asteroids) (1627) (3908) (1685) 7.) Velichko, F.P. et al. (1990) Astron.Tsirk 1546, 39-40. (Such unlike asteroids 1627 ivar and 1951 Lick) 8.) Pravec, P. et al. (1996) Icarus 124, 471-482. (Lightcurves of 7 Near-Earth Asteroids)(1627,4957,6569,1993UC,1994AH2,1994CB,1994LX) 9.) Harris, A.W. (DLR) (1998) Icarus 131, 291-301. (A Thermal Model for Near-Earth Asteroids) 10.) Kiss, L.L. et al. (1999) Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 140, 21-28. (CCD photometry and new models of 5 minor planets) (..1627..) 11.) Szabo, Gy. & L.L. Kiss (2001) Publ. Astron. Dept Eotvos Univ. Nr. 11, 119-124. (CCD photometric investigations of small bodies in the solar system; 1627,1865) 12.) Delbo, M. et al. (2003) Icarus 166, 116-130. (Keck observations of near-Earth asteroids in the thermal infrared) 13.) Kaasalainen, M. et al. (2004) Icarus 167, 178-196. (Photometry and models of eight near-Earth asteroids;1580,1627,1980,2100,3199,3908,4957,5587) 14.) Krugly, Yu. N. et al. (2006) IAU Symp. 236, 385-390. (Kharkiv study of near-Earth asteroids) (1036,1627,1685,1862,1980,3103,3200,4179,6611,8567,11405,13553,23187,54509,66251,100085,1999LF6,2004XP14,2005AB,2006CV69,2006BQ6) 15.) Skiff, B.A. et al. (2012) MPB 39, 111-130. (LOWELL OBSERVATORY NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID PHOTOMETRIC SURVEY (NEAPS) - 2008 MAY THROUGH 2008 DECEMBER) (46 NEAs) 16.) Warner, B.D. (2014) MPB 41,41-47. (NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT CS3-PALMER DIVIDE STATION: 2013 JUNE-SEPTEMBER) (1627,9950,11405,24445,152664,168378,329437,350988,361071,368664,2006EE1,2013OM9,2013QJ10) 17.) Warner, B.D. (2015) MPB 42, 172-183. (NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT CS3-PALMER DIVIDE STATION: 2015 JANUARY - MARCH)(35NEAs) 18.) Torppa, J. et al. (2008) Icarus 198, 91-107. (Asteroid shape and spin statistics from convex models) (1036,1580,1627,1862,1980,2100,3908,5587,6053) 19.) Warner, B.D. (2018) MPB 45, 366-379. (Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at CS3-Palmer Divide Station: 2018 April-June)(39 NEAs) |
[10] | ESA Aegis | ESA orbit determination and impact monitoring system |
[11] | EARN | 1.) Rikhteghar, A. & F.P. Velichko (2010) LPSC 41, 2528. (PHASE FUNCTION OF BRIGHTNESS OF NEA 1627 IVAR) 2.) Hahn, G. et al. (1989) Icarus 78, 363-381. (Physical studies of Apollo-Amor asteroids - UBVRI photometry of 1036 Ganymed and 1627 Ivar) |
[12] | EARN | 1.) Joseph R. Masiero et al 2020 Planet. Sci. J. 1 5 |
[13] | EARN | 1.) Crowell, J.L. et al. (2016) Icarus in press. (Radar and Lightcurve Shape Model of Near-Earth Asteroid (1627) Ivar) 2.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2014) Astrophys. J. 792, 30. (Initial Performance of the NEOWISE Reactivation Mission) (prel.diameters & albedos for 61 NEOs) 3.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2011) ApJ 743, 156. (NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results) (albedo and diameters of 428 NEOs) 4.) Mueller, M. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 141, 109. (ExploreNEOs. III. PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 65 POTENTIAL SPACECRAFT TARGET ASTEROIDS) 5.) Delbo, M. et al. (2003) Icarus 166, 116-130. (Keck observations of near-Earth asteroids in the thermal infrared) 6.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1990) Astron. J. 99, 2012-2018. (Radar images of asteroid 1627 Ivar) 7.) Veeder, G.J. et al. (1989) Astron. J. 97, 1211-1219. (Radiometry of near-earth asteroids) 8.) Mainzer, A.; Grav, T.; Masiero, J.; Hand, E.; et al. (2011) Astrophys. J. 741, A90. See also Grav 2012b and Masiero 2012. |
[14] | EARN | 1.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2014) Astrophys. J. 792, 30. (Initial Performance of the NEOWISE Reactivation Mission) (prel.diameters & albedos for 61 NEOs) 2.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2011) ApJ 743, 156. (NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results) (albedo and diameters of 428 NEOs) 3.) Masiero, J.R. et al. (2012) Astrophys. J. 749, 104. (A REVISED ASTEROID POLARIZATION-ALBEDO RELATIONSHIP USING WISE/NEOWISE DATA) (887,1036,1627,1685) 4.) Thomas, C.A. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 142, 85. (ExploreNEOs. V. AVERAGE ALBEDO BY TAXONOMIC COMPLEX IN THE NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID POPULATION) (new albedos data for 118 NEOs) 5.) Mueller, M. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 141, 109. (ExploreNEOs. III. PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 65 POTENTIAL SPACECRAFT TARGET ASTEROIDS) 6.) Mainzer, A.; Grav, T.; Masiero, J.; Hand, E.; et al. (2011) Astrophys. J. 741, A90. See also Grav 2012b and Masiero 2012. |
[15] | EARN | 1.) Lin, C-H. et al. (2018) P&SS 152, 116-135. (Photometric survey and taxonomic identifications of 92 near-Earth asteroids) |
[16] | EARN | 1.) Hahn, G. et al. (1989) Icarus 78, 363-381. (Physical studies of Apollo-Amor asteroids - UBVRI photometry of 1036 Ganymed and 1627 Ivar) |
[17] | EARN | 1.) Moskovitz, N.A. et al. (2017) Icarus 284, 97-105. (Near-infrared thermal emission from near-Earth asteroids: Aspect-dependent variability)(285263,175706) 2.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1990) Astron. J. 99, 2012-2018. (Radar images of asteroid 1627 Ivar) 3.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1991) Astron. J. 102, 1490-1502. (Asteroid radar astrometry) |
[18] | EARN | 1.) Bus, S.J. & Binzel, R.P. (2002) Icarus 158,106-145. (Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectrographic Survey: A Feature-Based Taxonomy.) 2.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 3.) deLeon, J. et al. (2006) Advanc. Space Res. 37, 178-183. (Spectral analysis and mineralogical characterization of 11 olivine-pyroxene rich NEAs) (1627,1864,3122,25143,65803,1999BY9,1999TF211,2000VJ61,2000XH44,2003HM16,2003YG118) 4.) Davies, J.K. et al. (2007) Icarus 186,111-125. (Near-infrared spectra of 12 near-Earth objects) (1627,4179,5381,5587,6489,11405,14402,25143,25330,52760,66391,101955) 5.) Fevig. R.A. and U. Fink (2007) Icarus 188, 175-188. (Spectral observations of 19 weathered and 23 fresh NEAs and their correlations with orbital parameters)(433,1036,1627,1685,1862,1866,1943,1980,3103,3122,3199,3671,4183,4341,4954,5587,5751,5836,6037,7358,7482,7753,7822,7977,8201,10563,11066,13651,13651,19356,20236,20255,35107,85490,J97GD32,J97UH9,J97US9,J98HE3,J98HT31,J98ME3,J98MS2,K04LC2) 6.) deLeon, J. et al. (2010) Astron. Astrophys 517, A23. (Observations, compositional, and physical characterization of near-Earth and Mars-crosser asteroids from a spectroscopic survey) 7.) Sanchez, J.A. et al. (2012) Icarus 220, 36-50. (Phase reddening on near-Earth asteroids: Implications for mineralogical analysis, space weathering and taxonomic classification) (1036,1620,1627,1862,1980,4179,4954,6239,11398,25143,35107,66146) 8.) Thomas, C.A. et al. (2014) Icarus 228, 217-246. (Physical characterization of Warm Spitzer-observed near-Earth objects) |