[1] | EARN | 1.) Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Asteroid Photometric Survey (NEAPS): Paper 3. Skiff, Brian A et al. |
[2] | EARN | 1.) Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies: 2019 January-April, B.D. Warner |
[3] | EARN | 1.) Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies: 2019 July-September, B.D. Warner |
[4] | EARN | 1.) Kaasalainen, M. et al. (2001) Icarus 153, 37-51. (Optimization Methods for Asteroid Lightcurve Inversion) 2.) Kwiatkowski, T. (1995) Astron. & Astrophys. 294, 274-277. (Sideral period, pole and shape of asteroid 1620 Geograhos) |
[5] | EARN | 1.) Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies: 2019 September-2020 January, B.D. Warner |
[6] | EARN | 1.) DeMeo, F.E. et al. (2014) Icarus 227, 112-122. (Mars encounters cause fresh surfaces on some near-Earth asteroids) (contains taxonomic classification of 249 NEAs) |
[7] | EARN | 1.) Michaël Marsset et al 2022 AJ 163 165 |
[8] | EARN | 1.) Tholen, D.J. (1989) in "Asteroids II" (Eds. R.P.Binzel et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, pp. 1139-1150. 2.) Hicks, M.D. et al. (1998) Icarus 133, 69-78. (The Unusual Spectra of 15 Near-Earth Asteroids and Extinct Comet Candidates)(1566,1620,2063,2102,2201,3200,4953,6053,6489,7092,8176,1994ES1,1995CR,1996JA1) 3.) Bus, S.J. & Binzel, R.P. (2002) Icarus 158,106-145. (Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectrographic Survey: A Feature-Based Taxonomy.) 4.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 5.) DeMeo, F.E. et al. (2014) Icarus 227, 112-122. (Mars encounters cause fresh surfaces on some near-Earth asteroids) (contains taxonomic classification of 249 NEAs) |
[9] | EARN | Earth Asteroids Research Node: https://earn.dlr.de |
[10] | EARN | 1.) Magnusson, P. et al. (1996) Icarus 123, 227-244. (Photometric Observations and Modeling of Asteroid 1620 Geographos) 2.) Krugly, Yu. N. et al. (2002) Proceedings of ACM2002, ESA-SP500, pp. 903-906. (CCD photometry of Near-Earth asteroids in 2001) (rot.per. for 719,1916,26760,33342 2001 MF1; LCs for 1620,3103,5587,1999 KW4) 3.) Dunlap, J.L. (1974) Astron. J. 79, 324-332. (Minor planets and related objects. XV. Asteroid (1620) Geographos) 4.) Weidenschilling, S.J. et al. (1990) Icarus 86, 402-447. (Photometric geodesy of main-belt asteroids. III - Additional lightcurves)(.1620..) 5.) Michalowski, T. et al. (1994) Acta Astron. 44, 223-226. (CCD photometry of asteroid 1620) 6.) Kwiatkowski, T. (1995) Astron. & Astrophys. 294, 274-277. (Sideral period, pole and shape of asteroid 1620 Geograhos) 7.) Prokofeva, V.V. et al. (1997) Pis'ma Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 23, 870-880; Engl. Trans. Astron. Lett. 23, 758-767. (1620) 8.) Harris, A.W. (DLR) (1998) Icarus 131, 291-301. (A Thermal Model for Near-Earth Asteroids) 9.) Karachkina, L.G. (1998) Astron. Vestn. 32, 327-339; Engl. Trans. Solar System Res. 32, 287-289. (Modulation of brightness of asteroid 1620 Geographos) 10.) Hudson, R. S. & S. J. Ostro. (1999) Icarus 140, 369-378. (Physical model of asteroid 1620 Geographos from radar and optical data.) 11.) Kaasalainen, M. et al. (2001) Icarus 153, 37-51. (Optimization Methods for Asteroid Lightcurve Inversion) 12.) Krugly, Yu. N. et al. (2002) Proceedings of ACM2002, ESA-SP500, pp. 903-906. (CCD photometry of Near-Earth asteroids in 2001) (rot.per. for 719,1916,26760,33342 2001 MF1; LCs for 1620,3103,5587,1999 KW4) 13.) Durech, J. et al. (2008) Astron. Astrophys. 489, L25-L28. (Detection of the YORP effect in asteroid (1620) Geographos) 14.) Ye, Q. et al. (2009) MPB 36, 126. (CCD LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS OF (53430) 1999 TY16) 15.) Skiff, B.A. et al. (2012) MPB 39, 111-130. (LOWELL OBSERVATORY NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID PHOTOMETRIC SURVEY (NEAPS) - 2008 MAY THROUGH 2008 DECEMBER) (46 NEAs) 16.) Warner, B.D. (2016) MPB 43, 143-154. (NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT CS3-PALMER DIVIDE STATION: 2015 OCTOBER-DECEMBER)(36NEAs) |
[11] | EARN | 1.) Magnusson, P. et al. (1996) Icarus 123, 227-244. (Photometric Observations and Modeling of Asteroid 1620 Geographos) |
[12] | ESA Aegis | ESA orbit determination and impact monitoring system |
[13] | EARN | 1.) Veeder, G.J. et al. (1989) Astron. J. 97, 1211-1219. (Radiometry of near-earth asteroids) 2.) Nugent, C.R. et al. (2015) Astrophys. J. 814_117 (13pp) (NEOWISE Reactivation Mission Year One: Preliminary Asteroid Diameters and Albedos)(201 NEOs) 3.) Nugent, C.R. et al. (2016) Astron. J. 152_63 (12pp) (NEOWISE Reactivation Mission Year Two: Asteroid Diameters and Albedos) (207 NEOs) 4.) Tedesco, E.F. et al. (2004) IRAS Minor Planet Survey. IRAS-A-FPA-3-RDR-IMPS-V6.0. NASA Planetary Data System. |
[14] | EARN | 1.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1996) Icarus 121, 46-66. (Radar Observations of Asteroid 1620 Geographos) 2.) Veeder, G.J. et al. (1989) Astron. J. 97, 1211-1219. (Radiometry of near-earth asteroids) 3.) Nugent, C.R. et al. (2015) Astrophys. J. 814_117 (13pp) (NEOWISE Reactivation Mission Year One: Preliminary Asteroid Diameters and Albedos)(201 NEOs) 4.) Nugent, C.R. et al. (2016) Astron. J. 152_63 (12pp) (NEOWISE Reactivation Mission Year Two: Asteroid Diameters and Albedos) (207 NEOs) 5.) Tedesco, E.F. et al. (2004) IRAS Minor Planet Survey. IRAS-A-FPA-3-RDR-IMPS-V6.0. NASA Planetary Data System. |
[15] | EARN | 1.) Dandy, C.L.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Collander-Brown, S.J. (2003) Icarus 163, 363-373. (Optical colors of 56 near-Earth objects: trends with size and orbit) |
[16] | EARN | 1.) Tedesco, E.F. (1989) in "Asteroids II" (Eds. R.P.Binzel et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, pp. 1090-1138. |
[17] | EARN | 1.) Hudson, R.S. & S.J. Ostro (1997) B.A.A.S 29, 966. (Recent Radar Modeling Results: 1620 Geographos and 4179 Toutatis) 2.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1995) Nature 375, 474. (Extreme elongation of asteroid 1620 geographos from radar images) 3.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1996) Icarus 121, 46-66. (Radar Observations of Asteroid 1620 Geographos) 4.) Ostro, S.J. et al. (1991) Astron. J. 102, 1490-1502. (Asteroid radar astrometry) 5.) Hudson, R. S. & S. J. Ostro. (1999) Icarus 140, 369-378. (Physical model of asteroid 1620 Geographos from radar and optical data.) |
[18] | EARN | 1.) Bus, S.J. & Binzel, R.P. (2002) Icarus 158,106-145. (Phase II of the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectrographic Survey: A Feature-Based Taxonomy.) 2.) Hicks, M.D. et al. (1995) Icarus 113, 456-459. (Rotationally resolved spectra of 1620 Geographos) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 4.) Hicks, M.D. et al. (1998) Icarus 133, 69-78. (The Unusual Spectra of 15 Near-Earth Asteroids and Extinct Comet Candidates)(1566,1620,2063,2102,2201,3200,4953,6053,6489,7092,8176,1994ES1,1995CR,1996JA1) 5.) Fevig. R.A. and U. Fink (2007) Icarus 188, 175-188. (Spectral observations of 19 weathered and 23 fresh NEAs and their correlations with orbital parameters)(433,1036,1627,1685,1862,1866,1943,1980,3103,3122,3199,3671,4183,4341,4954,5587,5751,5836,6037,7358,7482,7753,7822,7977,8201,10563,11066,13651,13651,19356,20236,20255,35107,85490,J97GD32,J97UH9,J97US9,J98HE3,J98HT31,J98ME3,J98MS2,K04LC2) 6.) Sanchez, J.A. et al. (2012) Icarus 220, 36-50. (Phase reddening on near-Earth asteroids: Implications for mineralogical analysis, space weathering and taxonomic classification) (1036,1620,1627,1862,1980,4179,4954,6239,11398,25143,35107,66146) |