[1] | EARN | 1.) Alexey V. Sergeyev and Benoit Carry A&A, 652 (2021) A59 |
[2] | EARN | 1.) DeMeo, F.E. et al. (2014) Icarus 227, 112-122. (Mars encounters cause fresh surfaces on some near-Earth asteroids) (contains taxonomic classification of 249 NEAs) |
[3] | EARN | 1.) Michaël Marsset et al 2022 AJ 163 165 |
[4] | EARN | Earth Asteroids Research Node: https://earn.dlr.de |
[5] | EARN | 1.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 2.) Thomas, C.A. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 142, 85. (ExploreNEOs. V. AVERAGE ALBEDO BY TAXONOMIC COMPLEX IN THE NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID POPULATION) (new albedos data for 118 NEOs) 3.) Thomas, C.A. et al. (2014) Icarus 228, 217-246. (Physical characterization of Warm Spitzer-observed near-Earth objects) 4.) DeMeo, F.E. et al. (2014) Icarus 227, 112-122. (Mars encounters cause fresh surfaces on some near-Earth asteroids) (contains taxonomic classification of 249 NEAs) |
[6] | EARN | 1.) Petr Pravec's Ondrejov NEO Photometric Program Webpage "Prepublished Periods" 2.) Polishook, D. (2012) MPB 39, 187-192. (LIGHTCURVES AND SPIN PERIODS OF NEAR-EARTH ASTEROIDS, THE WISE OBSERVATORY, 2005 - 2010) (1862,3361,5143,10115,40267,66251,68216,86829,105140,138893,141432,141495,152931,185851,2009UN3) 3.) Warner, B.D. (2014) MPB 41,113-124. (NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID LIGHTCURVE ANALYSIS AT CS3-PALMER DIVIDE STATION: 2013 SEPTEMBER-DECEMBER)(LCs of 36 NEAs) |
[7] | ESA Aegis | ESA orbit determination and impact monitoring system |
[8] | EARN | 1.) Polishook, D. (2012) MPB 39, 187-192. (LIGHTCURVES AND SPIN PERIODS OF NEAR-EARTH ASTEROIDS, THE WISE OBSERVATORY, 2005 - 2010) (1862,3361,5143,10115,40267,66251,68216,86829,105140,138893,141432,141495,152931,185851,2009UN3) |
[9] | EARN | 1.) Joseph R. Masiero et al 2020 Planet. Sci. J. 1 5 |
[10] | EARN | 1.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2011) ApJ 743, 156. (NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results) (albedo and diameters of 428 NEOs) 2.) Mueller, M. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 141, 109. (ExploreNEOs. III. PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 65 POTENTIAL SPACECRAFT TARGET ASTEROIDS) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2002) in "Asteroids III" (Eds. W.F.Bottke et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, pp. 255-271. (Physical Properties of NEOs) 4.) Mainzer, A.; Grav, T.; Masiero, J.; Hand, E.; et al. (2011) Astrophys. J. 741, A90. See also Grav 2012b and Masiero 2012. |
[11] | EARN | 1.) Mainzer, A. et al. (2011) ApJ 743, 156. (NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results) (albedo and diameters of 428 NEOs) 2.) Thomas, C.A. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 142, 85. (ExploreNEOs. V. AVERAGE ALBEDO BY TAXONOMIC COMPLEX IN THE NEAR-EARTH ASTEROID POPULATION) (new albedos data for 118 NEOs) 3.) Mueller, M. et al. (2011) Astron. J. 141, 109. (ExploreNEOs. III. PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 65 POTENTIAL SPACECRAFT TARGET ASTEROIDS) 4.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2002) in "Asteroids III" (Eds. W.F.Bottke et al.), Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, pp. 255-271. (Physical Properties of NEOs) 5.) Mainzer, A.; Grav, T.; Masiero, J.; Hand, E.; et al. (2011) Astrophys. J. 741, A90. See also Grav 2012b and Masiero 2012. |
[12] | EARN | 1.) Lin, C-H. et al. (2018) P&SS 152, 116-135. (Photometric survey and taxonomic identifications of 92 near-Earth asteroids) |
[13] | EARN | 1.) href="http://echo.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroids/index.html">JPL's NEO Radar Detection Program Webpage 2.) Busch, M.W. et al. (2006) Icarus 181, 145-155. (Radar and optical observations and physical modeling of near-Earth Asteroid 10115 (1992 SK)) |
[14] | EARN | 1.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294. (Observed spectral properties of near-Earth objects: results for population distribution, source regions, and space weathering processes.) 2.) Binzel, R.P. et al. (2006) LPSC 37, 1491. (The MIT-Hawaii-IRTF joint campaign for NEO spectral reconnaissance.) 3.) Binzel, R.P. et al. href="http://smass.mit.edu/minus.html"> Webpage |