Help: Search for Fireballs


The tables are accessible from the menu by the Fireballs section and the Observations section. In each section a list of all fireballs or observations present in the database are displayed.


Fireballs table

Data displayed for a fireball are the Name, the Region, the City, Comments and the Observation Date relative to fireballs stored in the database. The details of a fireball can be accessed by clicking on the “open” action.

The first tab contains main information about the event (Summary). If the event contains links to other data, links are visible in tables in the other tabs: Linked Observations, Linked Derived Data, and Linked Meteorites. The details of each can be accessed by clicking on the “open” action.

  • Linked Observations (see Observations for more details).  
  • Linked Derived Data. If available it contains estimates of the Pre-atmospheric Size of the impacting object (in m), the Release Energy (in J) during this process, the remaining object’s mass reaching the ground (Mass Reaching Ground in kg), and the Orbital Origin of the object. The details of each can be accessed by clicking on the “open” action.
    • Following “open” action tabs provide, if available, Location and trajectory information about the event, Origins of the data, and Orbital Parameters (semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, ascending node, periapsis, and perihelion distance).   
  • Linked Meteorites. If available, it includes information about the meteorite’s composition and weight (in kg). Moreover, details about the impact and Crater Size (in m).

Observations table

Data displayed for an observation are the Name, the Region, the City, Comments and the Date relative to observations stored in the database. The details of an observation can be accessed by clicking on the “open” action.

The first tab contains main information about the event (Summary) and, if available, images and video of the event. If the event contains links to other data, links are visible in tables in the other tabs: Origin, Location, Linked Observer, Linked Derived Data, and Linked Meteorites. The details of each can be accessed by clicking on the “open” action.

  • Origin. Provides details about the source of observation concerning the type of observation (e.g. camera), type of used equipment (e.g., All-Sky camera), and the observatory name from where the observation was carried.   
  • Location. Details of the observatory. Note: the full information is not publicly available.  
    • Linked Observer. Details about the observer. Note: the full information is not publicly available.
  • Linked Derived Data (see the Fireballs section above for more information).
  • Linked Meteorites (see the Fireballs section above for more information).

Search tab

The search section accessible from the menu allows to search for collected data. The search section is divided in two pages: the Criteria page where the user specifies their research and the result page where results of the research are displayed.

  • Basic Search. This part contains one text input and one submit button. In the text input, the user can enter “*” for all words, “exam*” for words beginning by “exam”, “?” for an unknown letter, “fireball?” for words starting with “fireball” and followed by any character, for example “fireball1”, etc...
  • Advanced Search. Users choose if the search is on Observation objects or on Fireball Event objects (or both). In any case, the selected object is expanding in a new frame. Doing this choice, the user can add criteria linked to the object type. Once criteria are selected the user can press the Search button to get results.

Statistics tab

The statistics section accessible from the menu allows the public user to generate statistics. Statistics include the number of fireball events, number of observations, and mean number of observations per event.