Help: Priority List


The observation priority list is computed as described in the reference provided in the description paragraphs in the associated web page. The variables provided in the table are the following:


Priority. This index is computed as reported in detail in the paper by Boattini et al. and based on the value of the so-called category parameter (CAT), which is a combination of several observational variables and orbit parameters computed at the reference date. “Urgent” cases correspond to values of CAT above 16, “Necessary” cases correspond to values of CAT between 2 and 16, “Useful” cases correspond to values of CAT between 0.4 and 2, and “Low priority” cases correspond to values of CAT below 0.4.

Object designation. Designation of the object as given by the Minor Planet Center. This entry can be clicked to access the orbital and physical properties of the specific object.

Inserted. Date when the object entered the Priority List.

R.A. Right ascension of the object at the reference epoch measured hh:mm.

Declination. Declination of the object at the reference epoch measured in degrees.

Elongation. Solar elongation of the object at the reference epoch measured in degrees.

Visual magnitude. Visual magnitude of the object at the reference epoch.

Sky uncertainty.  

End of visibility. Date when the visual magnitude becomes larger than a limiting value between 20-22, depending on the solar elongation at that date. A value of 22 is used for elongations larger than 130 deg, whereas smaller values are used for lower elongations. The full model is described in the above-mentioned paper.