Risk list

Last update: 2025-03-13 15:53 UTC
Current number of NEAs in risk list:1756
The Risk List is a catalogue of all objects for which a non-zero impact probability has been computed. Each entry contains details on the particular Earth approach which poses the highest risk of impact (as expressed by the Palermo Scale). It includes its date, size, velocity and probability. Impact history data can be selected in tabular and graphical form. Links to the impactor table are also given. In most cases, the size presented in the table is estimated indirectly from the absolute magnitude, and flagged with an asterisk. In this case the size uncertainty could be large. When a better measurement is available in the literature, it replaces the estimated value. By default, entries are sorted by the maximum Palermo Scale value; the sorting can be changed by clicking on the table headers.

Risk List

No.Object designationDiameter in mImpact date/time in UTCIP maxPS maxTSYearsIP cumPS cumVel. in km/sIn list since in dHistory dataHistory plotITLOVV
1 11 - 24*2034-11-08 17:091/387-2.6202034-20981/387-2.6221.01491
2 23 - 50*2027-05-01 09:051/6711-2.7302027-21221/6211-2.7314.015994
3 400 - 900*2056-12-12 21:381/4.27E6-2.8202056-21131/1.36E6-2.7027.545994
4 30 - 70*2025-05-10 04:561/140646-2.9402025-21191/123762-2.8912.172969
5 27 - 60*2071-09-16 00:541/1117-3.1802069-21221/354-2.7711.275994
6 24 - 50*2030-02-26 08:151/33222-3.3902030-21081/15576-3.2622.665994
7 24 - 50*2029-05-26 00:181/23419-3.4702026-21151/22883-3.4715.035994
8 23 - 50*2032-04-16 21:511/19880-3.49020321/19880-3.4920.171428
9 21 - 50*2057-03-23 19:431/2044-3.5002057-20731/2000-3.4913.18747
10 8 - 18*2092-09-07 12:391/155-3.5902092-21181/130-3.5114.21185

Special Risk List

No.Object designationDiameter in mImpact date/time in UTCIP maxPS maxVel. in km/sIn list since in dCommentHistory dataHistory plotITLOVV
1 484 2182-09-24 20:241/2702-1.5912.685894Impact Date > 100 years
2 1300 2880-03-16 23:481/51020-2.1317.993388Impact Date > 100 years